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Stand up paddling Cremorne Beach Tasmania

Nice day out on Sunday at the bar, sets over head high!!


That time of year again.
The Green Island Slalom/ freestyle and freerace national titles .
Good luck Tassie windsurf team ,Kaleb Smith, Karen Robinson and Dave Morehead.


NEWS stand up paddle Kite Windsurf

Dont forget to check out the Jay Sails Facebook page for all latest links to sprecials on Stand Up Paddle boards in Tasmania and Hobart. Windsurf news. Uploading latest videos on SUP windsurfing and Kiting every week


Jay Sails facebook page


NEWS stand up paddle Kite Windsurf Tasmania

The Box Office at the State Cinema is now officially open for online ticket sales for: RED BULL STORM CHASE MOVIE 6pm 11th February State Cinema, North Hobart Check out this link for the trailer: http://www.redbullstormchase-film.com/ You can now purchase tickets online, just click on the link below: https://www.venuetickets.com.au/web_v3/booking_ticketSelect.jsp?cinecode=11111222&scrcode=1111122201&movcode=1115043467&playdate=20150211&playtime=180000&ssncode=64565&seatingtype=0 You can purchase alcohol, soft drinks and nibbles to take into the cinema so make sure you get there early as we start 6pm sharp. We need to sell 120 seats so if you could all help promote this movie by word of mouth, social media, emails and anyway you can that would be cool

News Jay Sails


Jay sails now stocks Red Paddle Co inflatable stand up paddle boards.
Founded in 2007, Red Paddle Company is a UK-based business focused solely on the design and manufacture of inflatable paddle boards and accessories. Extremely popular in Europe, New Zealand, Canada .US and down here in Australia.
Well-known for their ruggedness, each of the Red Air boards utilize high pressure dropstitch technology – allowing them to be inflated from 15-25PSI – and feature quadruple rail construction, double layering, thick traction pads and integrated fins. Each board comes with the Red Air EZee pump, allowing one to inflate a paddle board to 20PSI and above.
The 10.6 is the biggest selling board globally, a great all rounder at 245 litres.
The big brother 10.8 is great for the bigger person or someone who wants to share their ride with the Kids or a dog.
A big range including a windsurf version of the 10.6.

Inflatable SUP are great for yachts, compact and easy to store.
Innner city living.. store your SUP in a cupboard!! and transport it in your boot

All Red Paddle boards and Accessories available now at very competitive pricing through Jay Sails.


NEWS stand up paddle Kite Windsurf

Learn to windsurf fun day Sunday 30th November

Thanks to everyone, great day. A special thanks to the usual helpers, especially the one water crew and cooks! The Learner days are the events that help keep windsurfing alive in Tasmania, driving new members to Windsurfing Tas and getting new faces on the water. Then the clowns went to goats!!! Great work Paul on the photos,

Windsurfing news Jay Sails
Windsurfing news Jay Sails
Windsurf news Jay Sails
Windsurfing news Jay Sails
Windsurfing news Jay Sails
Windsurfing news Jay Sails


jay sails sewing department also do zipper replacements in board bags and modifications.
Here is a new Flying objects bag that we gave a nose job to!!also over 40 bags in stock so should have something for your SUP OR windsurfer.
freight free in Tasssie -:) (4 photos)
Jay Sails Wind Kite SUP’s photo.
Jay Sails Wind Kite SUP’s photo.
Jay Sails Wind Kite SUP’s photo.
Jay Sails Wind Kite SUP’s photo.
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NEWS stand up paddle Kite Windsurf

Was $1439, now reduced!!

In stock now and price reduced to $1299 ( starshot model)
Current model in red or blue is $1299.
New in Box with 12 month warranty.
Free Alloy adjustable paddle or upgrade to carbon for half price.

Details :
10’5″X 30″ Drive
“Extremely versatile flat-water paddleboard with ideal entry into the waves.”
A long-time favorite in the range, chosen for its versatility and all-round fun, the performance bar has been raised with the new, improved Drive. The new bottom configuration of a single concave forward moving through to heavy V in the midsection, with deep concaves running through to V in the tail has radically improved the speed and maneuverability with a crisp and lively rail-to-rail feel. If you have the previous version, its well worth to upgrade.


NEWS stand up paddle Kite Windsurf

And what a beautiful looking board is Darins new GT Mana 9.5,
The new graphics are brilliant and the weight… is worth the wait..-)

Fanatic winsurfing boards at Jay Sails
starboard drive range of sup


Results and photos from the Great Winter Stand up paddle Classic 2014!!!

Tasmanie state titles in SUP
SUP winter classic 2014 Jay Sails news

OPEN MENS RESULTS 1st Kyron Rathbone who ripped and carved his way to victory. 2nd Sam Morgan who pushed Kyron all the way. 3rd. Caleb Pearce. 4th Dave Smith. OPEN WOMENS 1ST Mellissa Daly 2nd Cheryl Reid MAINLANDERS 1. Luke Meyers OVER 40 Matty Golding OVER 50 Dave Smith OVER 65 Tony Leitch TECHNICAL RACE 1.John Fuglsang 2.Matty Golging 3.Luke Meyers 4.Andrew Bowes 5.Dave Smith


The annual SUP winter classic is on, enter here:


or follow details on this forum:


SUP Winter Classic Tasmania flyer


Jay Sails have been appointed a Distributor in TAS for a new range of Repair Kits from Phix Doctor USA.

Especially Exciting are the DURA REZ products. This New Resin works on Both Polyester and Epoxy repairs, clean up with soap & water !!
Try a pack of Micro kits.
In stock at jay sails are micro kits and 125 gr Dura Rez.


Learn to windsurf Dorans Road

Beautiful conditions ( a little light maybe), but everyone had fun.
The Stand Up Paddle boards work great for rescue and on water training [:D]
Heaps of new learners and some guys who returned from previous events.
Every board on the water all day.
Thanks for everyone who put the time in to help, Veitz, Anthony, Relic ( Paul), Fos ( David), Willem on bbq and everyone else.
Great day!!! here are some pics by Relic

Jay Sails Learn to Windsurf Day Tasmania
Jay Sails learn to windsurf day
Learner Windsurfer Tasmania